Friday, July 20, 2007


Let me state this at the outset:
Just as President Lincoln once very clearly let it be known that his main purpose for freeing the slaves had nothing whatever to do with his concern for slaves, but, rather, his concern with saving the union, I'd better let it be known why Rudra's Black Dog is a site, at all...
...I am profoundly interested in mankind's spiritual evolution, and I believe it is possible to taste perfection before anything morbid happens to our, as yet, "living" bodies. So, it can be said I am interested in enlightenment.
I am a Westerner, and, as such, I find there are basically two things with which one should be intimately acquainted, in this Western world---there are basically two arenas about which one should have a clue. One is the political world, the other is the spiritual world.
It is unfortunate that here, in the West, almost anything that has any effect upon one's daily life is wrapped up in political puzzles and dizzyingly endless bureaucratic labyrinths. Though that is unfortunate, it is nonetheless true. It is also true that the general Western politician is anything but enlightened. In fact, more often than not, politicians attempt to withold, from seekers, that with which they could, indeed, become enlightened. This, then, keeps the seeker a slave unto the politician, who often feigns both power and enligtenment.
Here, then, enters the importance of the second realm, the spiritual. Every thing, in creation, in my opinion, bears a spiritual component. Even the cosmic play, in which all things are inherently involved, follows a spiritual, if not teleological, path and plot. If, then, the spiritual realm can be apprehended, the entire scope of reality can be understood and seen quite clearly, for all things are imbued with a spiritual component. Further, if I am correct in assuming a teleological path for all things created, then it follows that man's teleological path ends in gnosis: man was created to achieve total self-actualization---self-realization. Humans were created to be, as the verse goes, "...a little bit lower than the angels."
We were created to culminate in Buddhahood.
So, whereas it may be important for someone not a Westerner to attain enlightenment so as to be able to communicate with all things, living or dead, or to physically carry information to another human, while remainig fixed in one location, the purpose here for attaining enlightenment is to equip one to see, properly, so that one is liberated and truly free to understand all things as they truly are, and thus end the blindness which causes people to automatically follow anyone professing superior faculties.
In other words, the attempt here is to empower the mind so that it can see, for itself, what is real, and what is not. And when that is attained, one no longer is part of the herd. One, then, is a teacher.
And one can be a good teacher only insofar as one is willing to always be a good student.

The curriculum here, then, is ontology and epistemology, whether treated in philosophy or religion.
The university is the world.
This course is predominately in the Arcana--- the strange, remote, and ancient words and symbols of wisdom, hidden deeply away from all of us, in all of us.
The teacher is the Friend. The student is the observer. And the teacher and the student are, alas, one and the same.
(DM July 20 2007)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Musician's Objective

The goal of the musician- as- interpreter is to meditate---to become nothing—to be, then, in Nirvana---so that the music and it’s composer---and the interpreter---become one. The only way to do this is through channeling God. This is because, in many cases, the composer has long been dead, and in many more cases, the composer is someone other than the interpreter. So, then, one must attempt to perform the Cosmic Backbend—to emulate the Ouroborus—to form one’s self into the mystical never-ending circle, called Alpha and Omega, which allows one to travel around one’s self, and then--- deep within one’s self---down, down, down, inward---ever inward---into the rich and fertile land of the unconscious. This precious oasis, then, is where the tremendum— God--- resides. And, by channeling this essence, one melds, through the medium of sound (Aum) with the composer and also with the composed. For sound is the ultimate medium of cosmic--- of astral--- travel. So, the composer, the music, and the interpreter are to become one---and thus are then One. Only after achieving this state, highly revered by the ancient alchemists, can the music take on a new life. One must play from within the music. “One,” then, lives in each and every note.

(Doktor M., September 7, 2006)